The Lawyer
The Challenge
Building and managing a large site with over 100,000 posts and dozens of contributors. Migration from a complex, proprietary CMS. Adding and marketing events easily from within the site.
The Solution
Standfirst Publish CMS, and custom development of a number of plugins to provide integration with Piano. Creation of a script to migrate content quickly and efficiently, to ensure the validity of historic articles. The development of an events microsite. Elasticsearch features integrated full support for synonyms and abbreviations, as controlled by the client.
Subscriber content
Users of The Lawyer website can access a set number of news posts freely. Wider content, such as breaking news and commentary are available through a paid subscription. To tempt users to sign up, there is the option to register for free on the site. Clear signposting is displayed to direct viewers to the subscription options. Subscriptions are managed through an integrated third-party system.
Legal reports
A key requirement was the availability of reports available to purchase. Utilising the latest technology, all of The Lawyer reports are available to buy through the site.
Long term maintenance
We've been maintaining and continuously updating The Lawyer since 2015, helping to substantially grow the business. Premium content revenues of £4.7m in 2022. We work closely with Centaur's DevOps team to help keep the site fast, reliable and secure.